The NAKK, alongside its standard concert formats,
offers an option to combine a performance with a wine tasting.
NAKK’er Tom Wolfs has always been a gourmand and
wine enthusiast, and since following an intensive Wine Education course, he is
a certified Sommelier. During a wine concert, the NAKK shall play the most
delicious music to tantalise your tastebuds,
and then Tom shall provide a number of specially selected wines for the public
to sample and enjoy under his expert guidance. Composers and wine afficionados
Guilermo Lago (Culemborg, Old World) and Perry Goldstein (New York, New World)
have collaborated specially for this concept to create ‘On vines and wines’.
Eight delectable divertimenti that each illustrate a variety of grape. A true
musical winetasting!

Foto's: Nichon Glerum